Down & Out On Bourbon Street….


Pam Tusa w/her husband--A direct descendant of Serpico & Jesus Christ!

Pam Tusa w/her husband–A direct descendant of Serpico & Jesus Christ!

At the end of our last exciting episode it was early Sunday evening and I was wandering down Poydras in solitude on my way to meet up with Chris and Pam Tusa,  friends from Baton Rouge.  Chris, a writer with an actual published book, Dirty Little Angels (like that means anything!), grew up in New Orleans.  Although locals generally avoid Bourbon Street like day-old crawfish (especially during Mardi Gras) Chris was drawing us into the fray with good reason.

I keep preaching like a vexed televangelist that Bourbon Street, while worth a glimpse into the total breakdown of social decorum and personal restraint, is not New Orleans or Mardi Gras.  A carnival of the bizarre and unrestrained, it’s definitely entertaining for a short while, but unless you’re the type who feels empowered by yelling at strange women to show their boobs for cheap plastic trinkets, you just don’t want to stay there.  Remnants still stand of what Bourbon once was–stoically defying modern comercial opportunism–such as the elegant and locally revered Creole institution Galatoire’s (GAL-a-twah-z) or Preservation Hall, the sparse yet historic jazz club just a few steps off Bourbon; but, for the most part, t-shirt and daiquiri shops and seedy strip clubs long-ago claimed Bourbon for tourists looking for an excuse.  Not to say New Orleans was ever angelic.  The famous Storyville district where jazz was born was known for red light establishments and rough-housing patrons; but it also gave birth to Jazz!, [Read more…]

Sunday, Bloody Mary Sunday….


'Thoth Tut' KINGS was the theme of this year's parade.

‘Thoth Tut’
KINGS was the theme of this year’s parade.

Since arriving in New Orleans I have had trouble sleeping.  Excitement?  Nerves?  Over-stimulation?  Probably all the above.  But after dancing deep into the wee hours of Sunday morning at Blue Nile for an encore performance of Big Sam’s Funky Nation, I was toast.  It was well after 11am before I rolled out of bed Sunday and I immediately regretted the late night.  My throat was sore, my head throbbing, and I ached all over like I’d been run over by the record 8-float trailer Endymion had debuted during the parade last night that we couldn’t quite see. [Read more…]

Rocckus Wrap-Up & Final Verdict (I Just Knew)….

Although Krewe of Rocckus ended with the House of Blues show Saturday night, I decided to lump the two concert reviews together and save Saturday afternoon’s cruise on the Creole Queen for the finale.  After all, every traditional drama ends with either a death or marriage, so read on to see how our tale concludes.

First, however, let me take a moment to wrap-up and reflect.


Waiting To Cruise The Mississippi

Waiting To Cruise The Mississippi

Considering how packed with activity and camaraderie KoR is, it’s a little weird how suddenly it ends, especially considering it’s three more days until Fat Tuesday excess defers to Ash Wednesday chastity.  Saturday night after the show, Rocckus is simply over.  Although several group members headed to the Blue Nile to keep the party going, most went to bed and flew out the next morning.  A few attendees did stay for the holiday, some of whom I kept running into well into Mardi Gras night; but for the most part the krewe just fizzled out.  The welcome brunch was wonderful, and a departure brunch on Sunday morning would have provided nice closure much like horseback policemen clearing Bourbon Street at midnight Mardi Gras officially ends carnival.

That being said, I give KoR a solid [Read more…]

And The Roccktail Winner Is: The Rocck-ito!


Your Roccktail, Sir

Your Roccktail, Sir

In their emails leading up to the event, Krewe of Rocckus’s awesome organizers, Ashley, Ashley, Brian, and Maggie (advanced apologies if I screwed up names or left anyone out, but it was an open bar on the Creole Queen, after all!) gave some hints about the Roccktail contest that would be held at the welcome brunch, but in the end, it was really no contest.  Word is Michael Jerome pouted a bit last year after his team came in second for everything and he was eager to return with a winner.  Either luck or the Patron Saint of Mardi Gras Mojo was on his side, for one of the two sent him fifteen year bartender and food services professional Sally Baker to save the day. [Read more…]

Rocckus Out With Your Cocktail Out!


Steven & Brandi and Kelly & Michael Saving Me A Seat At the Welcome Brunch

Steven & Brandi and Kelly & Michael Saving Me A Seat At the Welcome Brunch

After rushing to Lucy’s the previous evening only to arrive unfashionably early, yesterday I wandered over to Manning’s, the new sports bar opened by Archie just across from the Hilton, ten minutes comfortably late for the welcome brunch only to find a long food line and the unavailability of a single seat in our second floor perch.  Doh!  Apparently the rhythm method just isn’t my thang, as I just can’t get my timing right.

Cajun Salve for the Creole Soul

Cajun Salve for the Creole Soul

It would take more than a seating shortage to dampen my spirits, however, and what better salve for the soul than shrimp & grits, sliders, fried catfish, and beef tacos?!  After filling two tiny plates to the point of overflow (did you really think I’d fall for that small plate trick?!), I headed out to the balcony where I found one last hidden seat with two couples that were reconnecting from Rocckus 2012.  Par for the course, we fell into easy conversation and became fast friends.  KoR is quality peeps—all killer, no filler!  As I chatted with Brandi & Steven and Kelly & Michael, they questioned me about my crazy scheme and [Read more…]

At Lucy’s In The Sky With Diamonds Hot Glued On The Soles Of Her Shoes


Michael and Me

Hanging With Michael Jerome of Better Than Ezra

For someone who has a reputation of frequently being late, I sure am aware of time.  Some people create a distraction by rolling in to family dinners and public functions infuriatingly late and blissfully unaware.  I’m that guy that’s always just ten minutes behind and hates it.  I think I have plenty of time to get where I’m going and lose myself in preparation.  At some point, though, I inevitably hit a time warp where ten or twenty minutes just disappears into a black hole and suddenly I’m rushing and fussing and stressing and cussing until I roll in at my pre-determined ten-minutes-late time, all apologies and frazzled to the core.  So, as usual, last night the Krewe was scheduled to have its first event at 7pm to watch Muses parade during a meet and greet at the upstairs of Lucy’s Retired Surfers Bar (I had no idea [Read more…]

Starting A Rocckus….


Room With A View

Room With A View

I’m now perched high in a Hilton typing away and looking upon the mighty Mississippi as it rushes past this hotel at the foot of Poydras (poy-drus) towards its famous crescent-shaped bend.  The room and view are both gorgeous and check-in went smooth.  Along with our schedule and concert tickets, I received a goodie bag with all kinds of interesting stuff including canned red beans—you never know when the urge will hit!!!—as well as a cool Saints koozie to which I attached the BTE pin; a BTE decal; a Krewe of Rocckus custom bead (Rocckus on!); two bags of jalapeno cheese puffs; a mini Tabasco bottle, and a praline.

Welcome To Camp!

Welcome To Camp!

The praline and one bag of jalapeno ‘Cheetos’ disappeared as I unpacked, but once settled in I headed out for a walk down Tchoupitoulas.  Pronounced ‘chop-i-too-lus,’ this street has followed the riverbank since the very founding of the city yet no one seems to quite know what it means.  There are many words from local Native American languages that resemble Tchoupitoulas but none that are exact matches, [Read more…]

Boots on the Ground in Party Town


DSC01822Well, I finally arrived in New Orleans (actually Metairie) at 9:30 last night where  Captain Billy and Peggy, my friend Mark’s parents, so graciously fed me and put me up for the night.  In a few minutes I’m heading to the Hilton at the foot of Poydras to check into my Rocckus room,  (as opposed to Romper Room, one of my favorite shows of youth–appropriate as Mardi Gras is one big grownup Romper Room!) , but will return later this week.  The Captain and Peggy also put me up for Mardi Gras 2011 (you can see their picture on the WHY page) and again for Jazzfest last year.  Now here I am again.  I can’t say enough about their generous hearts and bountiful hospitality, a trait found throughout New Orleans–one of the many reasons I love this city.  I just hope they don’t come to regret it!  I’ve had such a wonderful time every time I’ve stayed here that I just keep turning up like that proverbial bad penny!



“[Mardi Gras is] a year of preparation and perspiration that unfolds over several weeks like a military campaign hell-bent on spreading heaven throughout the darkest months of the year.” –quoted from WHAT Is ‘My Year of Mardi Gras?

Is it arrogant or improper to quote myself?!  Oh, well.  I’m at Mardi Gras now so I’ll bet my lucky boxers worse sins are being committed as I write.

I include this quote, though, because it’s a bit of writing of which I’m proud.  I think it’s quite a good descriptor of what Mardi Gras is and what it aims to accomplish.  Despite the bad publicity it receives, Mardi Gras is a collective celebration of life that focuses the energy of an entire city towards the powers of light and goodness.   That’s alright by me.  The world would be a better place if more communities focused their collective creativity and energy on communal festivity.  The world needs more, not less Mardi Gras, so let  ‘Operation Enduring Bead-dom’ begin!




On The Road Again…Somewhere In The Florida Panhandle….


Greetings From FLI’m currently lost somewhere in the Florida panhandle taking a blog break in a fast food joint I’d never frequent were it not for my need for connectivity.  (Bad food; Good marketing!)  Well, actually I’m outside Pensacola, but it sounds more romantic to imagine I’m an early Spanish explorer uncertain of just where in the swamp I am.   In the age of GPS, getting lost is becoming nostalgia–a memory to be rescued from the shelves of dusty antique shops by thrill-seekers craving a bygone rush.

I left Jacksonville at 10:30 this morning feeling about half as prepared [Read more…]

Today Is The First Day of the Rest of My Mardi Gras


This morning I awoke unemployed.  By choice.  This is the first time in five and a half years I haven’t gone in to work at Sterling House and Clare Bridge of Jacksonville,  two assisted living facilities housing adults with dementia and/or failing health where I worked as an Occupational Therapist and Coordinator for Physical, Occupational, & Speech Therapies.  I worked with with special needs children in schools for five and a half years prior to that, so this is the first time in eleven years I’ve awoken without a job as a therapist.  And it’s the first time I’ve been unemployed without the excuse of grad school since 1998 (and that was not by choice.)

Every hobo's journey begins with a first step...and a first beer!

Every hobo’s journey begins with a first step…and a first beer!

This plan has been percolating for nearly a year but it feels surreal now that the seed of what was once just a crazy idea (for I ALWAYS have crazy ideas percolating) has grown to fruition.  The rush of emotions I’m experiencing is as diverse as the interests that spurred me to cut bait and chase my muse.  I’m excited, scared, sad at the relationships I’m leaving behind, eager to make new connections, optimistic, hesitant, confused, overwhelmed, focused, confident and, strangely, a bit guilty.  In a time when so many people are desperately unemployed, I feel a twinge of guilt walking away from a secure, well-paying job, even if it was driving me nuts.  My burnout has been smoldering for years and deep down I knew I wasn’t as effective as I once was, but that’s just a poppycock excuse to the depression-era generation whom I served.

[Read more…]